The Republic of Angola is a southern African country bordering the South Atlantic Ocean, Congo, Namibia, Zaire and Zambia.

REFLECT in Angola began in 1998 targeting staff of the former Alphabetization
National Institute, in the provinces of Luanda, Benguela, Bié and Huila. It is an initiative of ICI/ALEA where people that founded the Angolan Association for
Adults Education (AAEA) worked. In the beginning, REFLECT was used in literacy because at that time the issue of the literacy associated to political themes.

The initiators of the REFLECT approach in Angola named it APLICA, Participatory Literacy Regenerated by Active Communities. In Portuguese
APLICA means ‘use what you know’. Today, AAEA uses REFLECT/APLICA not
just for literacy but also for the promotion of the citizenship exercise,ssociations, mainly for cooperatives and gender.

Since the Ghana PAMOJA meeting (Council II) was held, AAEA became a member of PAMOJA Africa Reflect Network and has already participated in a series of training in South Africa.

Impact of the use of REFLECT / APLICA

More people are active in their communities and try to develop abilities for fighting poverty and improving the relationships between men and women, e.g. addressing domestic violence and advocating for a fairer education of boys
and girls. The most discussed issues raised include; civic education, gender, HIV/AIDS and management of small businesses.

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