The United Republic of Tanzania is a country on the east coast of Africa. It is bordered by Kenya and Uganda on the north, Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo on the west, and Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique on the south. To the east it borders the Indian Ocean.

Pamoja Tanzania was established in October 2004 by Reflect Practitioners from across the Tanzania mainland, thus becoming a member of PAMOJA Africa Reflect Network. The establishment of Pamoja Tanzania was witnessed by the former PAMOJA Fundraiser/Advisor, Mr.James Kanyesigye from the secretariat based in Kampala Uganda.

The network consists of nine member organizations and institutions in 11 regions. Some of the prominent institutions which promote Reflect are; the
University of Dar es Salaam and the Institute of Adult Education.

In 2005, PAMOJA (T) produced a 3 year strategic plan to address issues concerning capacity building, advocacy, communication and documentation. PAMOJA (T) also included raising awareness on key thematic issues (i. e HIV/AIDS, governance,). The leadership made consultations with international organizations, such as CEF (T) and ActionAid (T) in an attempt to raise funds.

This year, the PAMOJA (T) representative/chairman, attended CIRAC (V) which was held in Spain at Zeraingo Plaza, Zerain, Basque Country.

Action Aid Tanzania is acknowledged for financial support that helped in facing various challenges and in supporting most of the Pamoja activities.

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